Caviar, The black gold of taste.


Caviar, the delicacy that is a symbol of prestige while remaining an irresistible temptation of taste for the world elite. It is, perhaps, the most expensive dish in the world.

Caviar comes from the Turkish word "havyar", or the Arabic "khavyar", and by this they refer to the pickled eggs of a rare sturgeon, a fish of the Black Sea. In the 19th century, sturgeon eggs were a very common snack and were served for free at various events. In Europe, in fact, fishermen fed pigs with fish eggs, or let the eggs spoil on the beach!

In 2010, the International Union for Conservation of Nature included 18 species on the Red List of Endangered Species, making sturgeon one of the most endangered species on the planet. This, in turn, leads to two roads. On the one hand, they help to protect the fish in some way, and to reduce overfishing. On the other hand, this makes it even more valuable and its price is soaring.

If you are interested to buy caviar online you should totally visit one of the best seafood delivery services in America. The main types of caviar are Beluga, Sterlet, Kaluga hybrid, American osetra, Ossetra, Siberian sturgeon and Sevruga. The rarest and most expensive is from beluga sturgeon that swim in the Caspian Sea, which is bordered by Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan.

The term “caviar” is not the same with the word “roe”, which refers to all fish eggs such as salmon, trout or flying fish. Caviar is one specific type of roe and “red caviar,” as salmon roe is sometimes called it is not a proper name. The right name is simply salmon roe, as salmon and sturgeon are entirely different breeds of fish.

Caviar is not only a delicious culinary experience, but the fish eggs have many health benefits to the consumer. Enjoying caviar is good for your mind and body in many ways. The health benefits and nutritional value of caviar will make you want to order a can of caviar today!

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